Personal Training

1:1 Personal Training

Get private 1-on-1 sessions that are personalised to achieving your identified goals. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, improve flexibility, or enhance overall wellness, our trainer Tiff will provide expert guidance and encouragement. You will learn the correct form of exercises to minimise injuries, build gym confidence, open up the body with mobility exercises while keeping you accountable and pushing you physically and mentally. All in a 45minute session - we use every minute efficiently.

Who is it for?

  • Beginners: If you're new to fitness or returning after a hiatus, we can assist in providing invaluable support of encouraging you, correcting form and building your confidence back in the gym.

  • Advanced Enthusiasts: If you are looking to level up your training with specific goals or needing more challenge in your programming, we can assist in achieving your performance goals with new training strategies and advanced techniques.

  • Individuals with Special Needs: Whether you have a medical condition or prior injury/rehabilitation, we can create programs to accommodate your unique situation and support your overall well-being.

Join us for Personal Training and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier and stronger you.

2:1 Personal Training

Where fitness meets partnership in achieving your goals!

You can work out with a friend, spouse, sister, brother, work pal - whoever you can convince to join you. This format blends the benefits of personal training with the motivation and camaraderie of a training buddy.

Each session will focus on your personal goals as individuals and find a bridge to maximise efficiency and results for both parties during your 45minute private sessions.

Who is it for?

  • Couples or Friends: Ideal for couples who want to embark on a fitness journey together or friends looking to motivate each other and achieve shared fitness goals.

  • Fitness Buddies: Perfect for individuals who thrive in a supportive, team-oriented environment and enjoy the social aspect of exercising with a partner.

  • Cost-Conscious Individuals: Great for those who want the benefits of personalized training at a more affordable rate by sharing the cost with a partner.

Join Personal Training 2:1 and discover how working out together can elevate your fitness journey to new heights.


  • $30.00 per session

  • $25.00 per person per session